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İngilizce shouldn't ile ilgili cümleler 10 adet

  • yönetim
  • | 27.10.2021 09:19
  • | shouldn't ile ilgili cümleler

We shouldn't eat a lot of sweets. It is bad for our health.

We shouldn't hunt animals.

My aunt has a terrible backache. She shouldn't carry heavy things.

You shouldn't waste water.

Children shouldn't go to bed late.

Rebecca has a sore throat so she shouldn't drink cold water.

You shouldn't play with plugs.

You shouldn't swim in the lake.

You shouldn’t be rude to other candidates.

You shouldn't use chemicals.

We shouldn't damage the environment.

They shouldn't cheat in the exam.

You shouldn’t discourage your candidate.

You shouldn't repeat the same things in your speech.

You shouldn't be nervous.

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