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İngilizce meslekler ile ilgili cümleler 15 tane

  • yönetim
  • | 26.10.2021 09:46
  • | ingilizce meslekler ile cümle

A poet can write poems.

A vet can write prescriptions for animals.

A doctor can operate on ill people.

A fashion designer can design clothes.

A baker can bake bread.

A journalist can tell us about the news.

A cook can cook meals.

An engineer can invent the machines.

An artist can draw.

An architect can design houses.

My brother is a mechanic. He repairs cars

Jim is a dentist. He pulls out teeth.

Sue is a doctor. She treats patients.

James is an engineer. He designs buildings.

Shelia is a tailor. She sews clothes.

Susan is a waitress. She serves food and drinks.

I am a pilot. I fly planes.

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